Tuesday, December 2

Warning: Psychiatry and Machiavelli May Make Post Longer Than It Seems (Crappy Titles Make Headers Longer Too)

I don't know if I should do it. Do what, you may ask? Well, only certain people will understand that. Anyway, it's funny. I ask people's opinions, and they say that I should push through, and I agree, but whenever I talk to certain people "in the know" so to speak, my confidence lessens, and I begin to doubt myself. It's like consciously, I want to do it, but subconsciously, my mind tells me that I shouldn't. This war of consciousness(es) will ultimately decide my course of action. It's sort of like countries I guess. The conscious mind is the Government itself, and the subconscious is the people. In totalitarian governments, the people are stifled. I guess that's why they seem so bleak and uniform. The subconscious, creative, imaginative side of the government is blockaded, and all that's left is the calculating, logical, rational "conscious" government. That's why, in my opinion, totalitarians will never work. Being logical and rational is useless if you cannot innovate. You'd be left behind. On the other hand, pure creativity and innovation is useless without the calculating reasoning to be able to put it to good use. So liberalism isn't a good option either. Of course, this is just stupid psychobabble. I ain't no Machiavelli (though I sure would like to be [like] him). Back to my problems. I really wonder, which side would prevail? My rational or emotional side? Only time will tell I guess.

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